Condizioni d'uso

Olga Lazarenko


Dottorato di ricerca - Ph.D.
presso: L'università di kiev nome. Grinchenko


01/09/2009 - Oggi
psicologo/psicoterapeuta/ психолог/психотерапевт presso Il centro di psicologia e psicoterapia (Ucraina)/Центр психології та психотерапії (Україна)
• consulenza individuale e psicoterapia adulti, terapia di gruppo.
Metodi di lavoro: gestalt-terapia, terapia cognitivo-comportamentale tecniche.
• svolgimento di conferenze di età e della psicologia educativa, психокоррекции lo sviluppo della personalità./індивідуальне консультування та психотерапія дорослих, групова терапія.
Методи роботи: гештальт-терапія, когнітивно-поведінкові техніки.
• проведення лекцій з вікової та педагогічної психології, психокорекції розвитку особистості.


Acquisition by students of a Mature identity as a necessary condition for psychological health
1. Lazarenko О. the Acquisition by students of a Mature identity as a necessary condition for psychological health / the О.V. Lazarenko // Education region: Ukrainian scientific journal. – 2011. - No. 2. – P. 319 – 322. 2. Lazarenko О. Emotional burnout as a factor of influence on the economic socialization of the subject / the A.V. Lazarenko // Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of psychology named after G. S. Kostyuk APS of Ukraine / ed. by S. D. Maksymenko. T. XIII, part. 1. – K., 2011. – Pp. 238 – 245. 3. Lazarenko О. the psycho-Emotional sphere of the economic formation of identity as a factor of economic socialization in early adolescence (empirical aspect) / O. V. Lazarenko // Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of psychology named after G. S. Kostiuk National Academy of pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / edited by S. D. Maksymenko. T. HIU, frequent. 3 – K., 2012. – S. 172 – 179. 4. Lazarenko О. the Social dimension of economic identity formation in early adolescence (theoretical and empirical perspective) / O. V. Lazarenko // journal of National University of defense of Ukraine. SB-K]. Works. – K.: NUO, 2013. – Vol. 1 (32). – P. 83 – 87. 5. Lazarenko О. self-Esteem as a factor of economic identity formation in early adolescence / A. V. Lazarenko // Psychological perspective. SB-K]. works. – Lutsk, 2013. – Vol. 22. – S. 93-102. 6. Lazarenko О. the Formation of economic identity in early adolescence in the context of economic socialization of the individual by means of social and psychological training / О.V. Lazarenko // Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of psychology named after G. S. Kostiuk National Academy of pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine / edited by S. D. Maksymenko. Vol XV , part. 1 – K., "GNSS" , 2013 . – Pp. 158-165. 7. Lazarenko О.V. Psychological peculiarities of the emotional sphere of the identity crisis in early youth / V. О. Lazarenko // Materials of VI International scientific-practical conference of students and postgraduate students "Young science Volhynia: priorities and prospects for research" (may 14-15, 2012) in 3 volumes – 2012. – Vol. 1. – Pp. 204 – 205. 8. Lazarenko О.V. Psychological peculiarities of the emotional sphere of the identity crisis in early youth / Lazarenko, О. V. // Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology. Materials of international scientific-practical conference (Lviv, Ukraine, October 7-8, 2011) in 2 hours – 2011. – Part 1. – P. 30 – 32. 9. Lazarenko О. Psychological preconditions of formation of economic identity of pupils / A. V. Lazarenko // Materials of the International scientific-practical conference of students and postgraduate students "Young science of Volyn: priorities and perspectives" (10-11 may 2012) in 3 volumes – 2012. – T. 2. – P. 213 – 215. 10. Lazarenko О. Psychological peculiarities of formation of economic identity in early adolescence (theoretical and empirical perspective) / O. V. Lazarenko // II international scientific-practical conference "the Genesis of the individual being" (19-20 Dec 2011). – K.: state enterprise "Information-analytical Agency", 2011. – Volume I. – S. 231 - 235. 11. Lazarenko O. V. Psychological characteristics of psycho-emotional sphere of identity crises in middle adolescence (ages 15-17) as a factor in the formation of addictive behavior / O. V. Lazarenko // Papers of the 2nd International Scientific Conference. – Stuttgart: June 22, 2013. – P. 51-53. 12. Lazarenko О. Psychological peculiarities of the emotional sphere of the identity crisis in early youth as a factor of formation of addictive behavior / the A.V. Lazarenko // Psychogenesis of personality: norm and deviation: collection of Sciences. articles. – Lutsk. – 2014. – P. 117 – 121.

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